Next Generation Tutors was founded by current college students who were recently in your situation. We understand the complexities of this process so we created a page where all the necessary links and advice can be found in one place.Apply
Common App
The Common Application is a single online application that students submit to any participating.
Find articles and information about the college admission process.
Financial Aid
A user-friendly website with a wide range of information about scholarships, grants, loans, work-study, and various educational expenses.
Free financial aid advice and the federal student aid application.
An official US government website with quality information about different options to help pay for college.
Standardized Testing
Sign up for the ACT here.
Sign up for the SAT here.
Free ACT Practice Tests
Practice test from 2017.
McGraw-Hill Education Practice Plus
A straightforward and strategy-based website for ACT and AP test prep.
Khan Academy
Check out their free ACT/SAT prep program, as well as, help in your high school classes.
PowerScore Test Prep
An SAT help and self-study website with a variety of material including practice tests, articles, advice and more.
Essay help
Helpful resource that checks the grammar on college essays for free.
Purdue OWL
Free grammar help and resource. Great for learning about citing sources.
Free essay advice on most college prompts plus live-streamed editing sessions.
Tulane's Director of Admissions
Jeff Schiffman gives an insider’s opinion on the college admissions process.